This Free PPTX resource is aimed at pupils in junior/early middle classes at the beginning of learning to read. It is intended to be used as a whole class fun game/task to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of four-letter words. There are 20 4-letter words in this free version for pupils to read backwards.

All of the 20 word slides in the presentation ask pupils to decode the four-letter word that is written backwards. The aim in playing the game is to develop fluency of thought and to introduce a fun element by “reading backwards”.

Run the presentation in full screen Slideshow mode to get the best effect. The backwards word will appear first, then the pupil has to guess what the real word is. When the teacher clicks on the mouse/next arrow, the real word appears with a round of applause!

There is a wide variety of words for pupils to decode – stem, toes, hats, hiss, clip, tube, flat etc.

This presentation could be used with the whole class as a language game or as a warm-up for an English/reading lesson.

The full version with 100 four-letter words is available for Members to download HERE

(.PPTX file 483 KB)