Book or Story Contract 02

This is a template of a contract for younger pupils to sign before writing a book/story. Its purpose is to make sure that the pupil has put some thought into the story/book before they commence writing and so that they may be kept on track while they are writing....

Book or Story Contract 01

This is a template of a contract for pupils to sign before writing a book/story. Its purpose is to make sure that the pupil has put some thought into the story/book before they commence writing and so that they may be kep on track while they are writing. (.doc file...

Descriptive Portraits

This is a short booklet to help pupils describe characters in the story. It gives suggestions on how to describe the character, their physical appearance under different headings and their mannerisms. (.doc file 30.5KB) Download File… Log In RegisterThis content is...

Character Creation

This is a template to help pupils create characters for a story or book. It consists of a circle with four sections to be filled in to allow the pupil to get to know the character better before they commence the writing of the story. (.doc file 36.5KB) Download File…...

Editing a Draft

Writing a first draft and editing it are component parts of the writing process in the Write-A-Book Project. The First Draft is sometimes known as a “Sloppy Copy” because it can sometimes get a little messy as editing and re-drafting is in process. This Powerpoint is...