Autism Links

Autism Links

Together with a colleague, I’m embarking on the daunting task of setting up and teaching in a class for pupils with autism in my school this September. We’re filled with a sense of excitement and nervousness as we start on the road to creating something...


Topicbox is an English-based website which has been around for six years, slightly longer than Seomra Ranga. However, I only recently became aware of the site through Twitter. The site provides links to free resources on the internet across a wide variety of...
Scoilnet Titanic Themepage

Scoilnet Titanic Themepage

With the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic coinciding with the return to school after the Easter break, teachers may be planning to do some Titanic-related activities in the classroom at the beginning of the new term. A great place to start is the Scoilnet...
Gifted Education Links

Gifted Education Links

This week is Gifted Education Awareness Week (GEAW).  Its aim is to encourage teacher awareness of Exceptionally Able pupils in the classroom and to help overcome the myths about these pupils. By recognising the educational needs of Exceptionally Able pupils the...