Guest Post: Sports Day – Co-operative or Competitive?

Guest Post: Sports Day – Co-operative or Competitive?

It’s that time of the year again! Sports Days are taking place in many primary schools over the next few weeks. Many schools may consider approaching the day as fun, inclusive and non-competitive which encourages all children to be involved. The Irish Primary PE...
Guest Post: Actions in Video App

Guest Post: Actions in Video App

As I have a child with Down Syndrome, I’m always looking for educational materials for him. I came across an App called Actions in Video, which was launched in Cork on April 5th. Geraldine Moran, who developed the App, is a Speech and Language therapist. She knows...
Guest Post: Book Creator App

Guest Post: Book Creator App

If you use an iPad in your class, then spending €4.49 on the Book Creator App will be the best money you will spend. You should be warned that this will be a very enthusiastic review of an amazing app. Many schools I have spoken to about buying iPads are under a...