kings_of_the_boyneI have recently finished the historical novel, Kings of the Boyne, by Nicola Pierce. The book was mainly about the famous battle, Battle of the Boyne. The chapters switched between four groups of people: – Gerald O’ Connor and his French friend, Jacques, fighting for King James II; the brothers Robert and Daniel Sherrard, fighting for King William III and the two kings, King James II and King William III.

The book told the story of how these men took part in the battle and what it was like to be soldiers.

In my opinion, the author told quite simply what the Battle of the Boyne was about. She used great language and vocabulary throughout the book. I think that the last couple of chapters were very intense and really finished the book off well.

Clearly to me, Nicola has put together a fantastic, history-based book. Don’t worry if you don’t know a lot about the Battle of the Boyne, (like me!) this book is a terrific read. Overall, I would give this book 9 out of 10. So if there’s any one out there that has any interest in the Battle of the Boyne, this is the perfect book for you.

Well done Nicola on an excellent book.

By Jack (12), 6th Class, St Colman’s BNS, Kanturk, Co Cork.

Disclaimer: The book for this review was supplied by the publisher, O’ Brien Press. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.