Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a term used to describe a spectrum of learning and behaviour differences. One teacher recently said with regards to a student with ADHD that “ he is like a computer without a printer attached, he knows exactly what the answer is in his brain but cannot give me the hard copy, i.e. the answer on paper” It could therefore be stated that the role of the teacher and parent is to explore ways of getting the child with ADHD to let us “know what they know” so that we can maximise their potential.
HADD Ireland is a voluntary organisation dedicated to providing as much up-to-date information, resources, support, advice and networking opportunities to individuals affected by ADHD. They have organised an information meeting entitled “ADHD – No Two Children The Same” for Wednesday Sept 25th. Fintan O’ Regan will outline a range of practical options for the successful teaching and learning of children with ADHD through his highly interactive and entertaining style. There will also be two other speakers on the night who have chosen career paths that work for them with their ADHD. More information on the evening HERE
Venue: Red Cow Moran Hotel, Naas Road, Dublin 22
When: Wednesday September 25th, 2013
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm (tea and coffee from 7.00pm)
Entrance Fee: €5
HADD Ireland are in the middle of a social media campaign about ADHD and their target audience is teachers. They are doing weekly blog posts on their website about various education issues and ADHD. They have done one on IEPs and their latest is on Organisation. They also have a Facebook Page where teachers can get more information and you can follow them on Twitter.