In the first of the new developments on the site, Seomra Ranga has branched out and has provided new resources in French for schools involved in the teaching of French at primary level. Initially, resources provided for download include Les Jours de la Semaine (Days of the Week), Les Mois (The Months of the Year), Les Saisons (The Seasons), Les Nombres (Numbers), Les Couleurs (Colours) and Les Animaux (Animals). It is hoped to develop the number of French resources available over the coming months. Special thanks to my colleague, Siobhán Buckley, for kindly doing the translation work. If you are involved in the teaching of French in the primary school, perhaps you would consider sharing some resources with others on this site. Simply e-mail the resources to the site as an attachment at and I’ll place the resources on the site immediately. All of the new French resources are free to download.