Collecting Money In Schools

Collecting Money In Schools

Seomra Ranga did a survey last school year to ascertain the extent to which teachers were personally financing the ongoing education of their pupils. It revealed that teachers were digging deep into their own pockets to finance many things which some people would...
Personal Funding in Primary Classrooms

Personal Funding in Primary Classrooms

Some time ago, I came across a discussion somewhere on the internet where teachers were talking about items they had purchased for their classrooms from personal funds. I wondered how prevalent this was so I put a quick question out on the Seomra Ranga Facebook Page...
Personal Funding in Primary Classrooms

Personal Funding in Primary Classrooms

I recently asked teachers/SNAs on Facebook to give me some examples of what they spend personal money on for their classroom. To say that I was amazed at the array of items listed would be an understatement. Of course I expected to see books, paper, pencils, paint...