Potato Print Seascape Art

Potato Print Seascape Art

This lesson is most suitable to do during the summer term or when working on a “sea” theme in the classroom. It uses a printing technique with potatoes to create a seascape picture. It could be done as a standalone lesson under the Paint Strand of the Visual Arts...
Ink Printing

Ink Printing

This Visual Arts lesson is aimed at pupils in middle and senior classes. It requires printing inks and printing rollers, with which the pupils may not be familiar. In this way it may be a new and interesting experience for the pupils. The finished product of this...
Watercolour Prints

Watercolour Prints

This Visual Arts resource combines using watercolours and poster paint as the media for the lesson. In a two-step process, pupils firstly create the background watercolour design in contrasting/complimentary colours and then use poster paints to create the repeated...