Guest Post: Teach Anyway

Guest Post: Teach Anyway

This is an inspirational Guest Post for the beginning of a new year from Peter Lydon: Teachers, You will be told that your holidays are too long; teach anyway. You will be told that you must raise standards even though you always aim to get the best out of your kids;...
Guest Post: Tomás Ó Ruairc – Teaching Council

Guest Post: Tomás Ó Ruairc – Teaching Council

Teaching in Ireland in the 21st Century – a Road Map for Enhanced Professionalism Long before the Teaching Council was established in 2006, many in the education sector had called for regulation of the profession. They saw the establishment of a teaching council as a...
Guest Post: On Starting School

Guest Post: On Starting School

I came across this blog post last week and was touched by it. I tweeted the link to it and lots of teachers seemed to share it. I think the reason that it touched a chord with teachers was that we get so caught up in making preparations for the return to school, that...
Subbing Countdown

Subbing Countdown

August is upon us. As a seasoned substitute teacher, you are no doubt getting ready to get back into the subbing saddle again. For many of us, we are better prepared for the subbing circuit having been on it now for a couple of years, but for others this is a new...
Guest Post: The Volunteer Projects

Guest Post: The Volunteer Projects

The Volunteer Projects (TVP) is a registered Irish charity, international Development NGO and volunteer-sending organisation that believes in ‘Development through Volunteerism’. We recruit and train volunteers for overseas work placements in Tanzania and Cambodia in a...