Bliain Nua na Síneach

Bliain Nua na Síneach

This resource consists of a set of 17 A4 sized posters to create a display of items associated with Chinese New Year. Each poster has a suitably seasonal colourful border, an image of the item and a word label at the bottom of the page. Items included in the resource...
Chinese New Year Posters

Chinese New Year Posters

This resource consists of a set of 18 A4 sized posters to create a display of items associated with Chinese New Year. Each poster has a suitably seasonal colourful border, an image of the item and a word label at the bottom of the page. Items included in the resource...
Chinese New Year Bunting 01

Chinese New Year Bunting 01

This seasonal resource consists of a set of chevron-shaped bunting with a Chinese New Year theme. There are 31 pages in this resource. The bunting spells out “Chinese New Year – Year of the Dragon 2024”. The bunting has a seasonal coloured background...
Qatar Country Study

Qatar Country Study

As the Soccer World Cup approaches, it might be an opportune time to teach pupils a little about the country of Qatar, the location for the month long competition. Part of the forthcoming World Cup Resource Pack, this 29-poster resource may provide pupils with a...
EU/Non EU Capital Cities Sorting Activity

EU/Non EU Capital Cities Sorting Activity

This game-based resource can be used to help pupils to consolidate their knowledge of capital cities of the European Union. The names of all 27 EU capital cities are included as well as 27 cities that are not EU capitals. Pupils have a natural affinity for games-based...