French Vocabulary

French Vocabulary

With the Rugby World Cup currently taking place in France, this might be an opportune time to look at French vocabulary which is commonly used in the English language. Pupils might be somewhat surprised to discover that many words that we commonly use in everyday...
An Féilire

An Féilire

This display resource for the classroom consists of a series of flashcards to assist pupils in learning the date as Gaeilge. There are 31 flashcards for the days, 12 for the months as well as flashcards for the years 2022-2033. The download also includes a heading for...
Real/Fake Word Sorting 02

Real/Fake Word Sorting 02

This resource is aimed at pupils in junior/early middle classes at the beginning of learning to read. It is intended to be used as a whole/group fun game/task to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of four-letter words. There are 24 words for pupils to sort into Real and...
Real/Fake Word Sorting 01

Real/Fake Word Sorting 01

This resource is aimed at pupils in junior/early middle classes at the beginning of learning to read. It is intended to be used as a whole/group fun game/task to consolidate pupils’ knowledge of four-letter words. There are 24 words for pupils to sort into Real and...