Communion Day on RTE1

Communion Day on RTE1

Communion Day is a new two-part documentary commencing on RTE1 on Monday March 4th at 9.35pm. The two programmes follow eight very different families, four on each night, as they journey towards the big day. Among the eight participants in the documentaries,...

First Communion Prayer Booklet

This short booklet has all they prayers pupils will need to learn for First Penance and First Communion. It may need to be re-formatted to suit the needs of individual teachers/schools. Source: Hazel O’ Connell (.doc file 93KB) Download File… RegisterThis...

Do This in Memory

This is a sample of art work for the church for the First Communion ceremony. The background is made up of eight sheets of cartridge paper which have been taped together. These were then covered by a starry sky paper which was bought on a roll from a craft shop. The...

Making Things Right

Making Things Right – The Sacrament of Reconciliation Jeannine Timko Leichner Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2005 ISBN 978-1-59276-157-9 Available in Veritas… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...

Called to His Supper

Called to His Supper – A Preparation for First Eucharist Jeannine Timko Leichner Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2007 ISBN 978-1-59276-299-6 Available in Veritas… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...