Needles Book

Needles Book

Sewing is a skill which will stay with the children throughout their lives, done in a fun way. Being able to sew opens doors for people – they can make things for themselves and as presents, repair clothes, and more in the future You never know – the next Coco...

Making Puppets

I came across the link to this video today on Twitter. It shows 1969 footage of Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets, showing how to make simple puppets using everyday materials like socks, a tennis ball, fabric and even an envelope. It gives great ideas for the teacher...
Hallowe’en Arts Project

Hallowe’en Arts Project

Great Visual Arts Lesson Plan, the aim of which is to get pupils to design and create an inventive, distinctive and original Halloween costume that they can wear into school at Hallowe’en. The emphasis is on creativity, so pupils must create the costume and not...

Paper Plate Character

This is a fun visual arts lesson and the results are always interesting as the pupils can really express their imaginations. They look really well when displayed together. (.doc file 33.5) Download File… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member?...

Knitting Rhyme

Short rhyme to help pupils when learning to knit, under the Fabric and Fibre strand of the Visual Arts curriculum. (.pdf file 43.5KB) Download File… RegisterThis content is for members only Already a member? Log in...