Peg Easter Maths 01

Peg Easter Maths 01

This resource is aimed at infant or SEN pupils at the beginning of work on numeracy. It is based on addition of numbers up to 5 with an Easter chick theme. Laminate all of the pages in the resource and cut up into 16 separate cards. Pupils should add the Easter chicks...
Peg Polar Bear Scarves 01

Peg Polar Bear Scarves 01

This resource is aimed at infant/junior pupils or AEN pupils. It is based on learning and visual discrimination of colours with a Polar Bears theme. The resource asks pupils to match the colour of the polar bear’s scarf on each card with the name of the colour. The...
Maths Week 2017 Resources

Maths Week 2017 Resources

Maths Week Ireland 2017 takes place from October 14th to 22nd. Its aim is to focus on all things maths for one week in the year and for pupils to have fun engaging in maths activities so that they can have a more positive attitude to maths. It also aims to demonstrate...
Peg Data 03

Peg Data 03

This peg maths resource is aimed at pupils in middle classes or SEN pupils. It is based on the pupil’s ability to read a bar chart. It consists of a bar chart of “Favourite Ball Sports In Our Class”, followed by sixteen question cards based on the graph. The pupil...
Peg Calendar 02

Peg Calendar 02

This peg maths resource is aimed at pupils in middle classes or SEN pupils. It is based on the pupil’s ability to read the calendar. It contains a one-month calendar for a November, followed by twelve question cards based on the calendar. The pupil reads the question...