instagramInstagram is a mobile photo and video sharing app and social networking platform that allows users to upload photos and videos to share with friends and followers either privately or publicly. It also allows you to edit the photos and to use filters to create some cool effects.

While perhaps not as popular as some of the other social media platforms, it is still very popular. Like other social media platforms, people can follow your account, like or comment on posted images. Hashtags are used to collate images. Instagram can also connect to other school social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Some schools are now considering setting up an Instagram account for their school or for individual classes. There are some issues to consider before setting up the account:

  • Update your school’s AUP stating that photos will be shared on Instagram (more advice on AUPs from Webwise HERE)
  • Decide who will be responsible for the selecting and uploading of images to Instagram?
  • Adhere to basic rules of child protection online – don’t share photos of individual pupils. The rule should be that you only share images of groups of children in an educational context
  • Don’t share names of pupils with an image and don’t tag pupils in the image
  • Personal information about the pupils featured in images should not be shared
  • Consider using the account especially for sharing images of pupil’s work in visual arts, for the promotion of school events or for showcasing class displays or projects

Above all, teachers and schools should distinguish between a personal and a school/class Instagram account. If you use a personal Instagram account, then that should be used only for sharing images pertinent to your life outside school and not school/class/pupil related images. A school/class account should feature only school/class related images. The lines between both personal and professional accounts should not be blurred.

There is some more advice on sharing images online here:

5 Things Parents Need to Know About Instagram (Webwise)

Posting Pictures Online (Webwise)